Friday, 21 March 2014

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover


Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Biography 

“No matter where we live on the planet or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.”
― Louise L. Hay
tags: inspirational-quotes 34 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“Life is not compassionate towards victims. The trick is not to see yourself as one. It's never too late! I know I've felt like the victim in various situations in my life, but, it's never too late for me to realize that it's my responsibility to stand on victorious ground and know that whatever it is I'm experiencing or going through, those are just the clouds rolling by while I stand here on the top of this mountain! This mountain called Victory! The clouds will come and the clouds will go, but the truth is that I'm high up here on this mountaintop that reaches into the sky! I am a victor. I didn't climb up the mountain, I was born on top of it!”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: being-victorious, inspirational-life, inspirational-quotes, life-and-living, living-life, mountain, strength, victim-mentality, victims, victorious-life, victorious-mentality, victors, victory 28 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“I can't over-emphasize how important an exquisite perfume is, to be wrapped and cradled in an enchanting scent upon your skin is a magic all on its own! The notes in that precious liquid will remind you that you love yourself and will tell other people that they ought to love you because you know that you're worth it. The love affair created by a good perfume between you and other people, you and nature, you and yourself, you and your memories and anticipations and hopes and dreams; it is all too beautiful a thing!”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: beauty, fragrance, girls, glamour, inspirational-quotes, loving-yourself, perfume, quotes-for-women, scent, style, women, women-s-inspirational 22 likes like
“H is for Habit, winners make a habit of doing the things losers don't want to do.”
― Lucas Remmerswaal, The A-Z of 13 Habits: Inspired by Warren Buffett
tags: attitude, habits, inspirational-quotes, inspirational-success-failure 22 likes like
Karen Hackel
“You need to trust
To surrender
To ask for guidance
Go within for the answers
They're within you
You have the answers
All you need do is ask”
― Karen Hackel, The Whisper of Your Soul
tags: ask, asking, guidance, guide, inspiration, inspirational-quotes, silence, spiritual, surrender, wisdom 21 likes like
James Baldwin
“The world is before you, and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.”
― James Baldwin
tags: courage, individuality, inspirational-quotes, life, life-lessons 20 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“Peace is something like happiness; you cannot say "I will be happy when..." and you can't say "I will be peaceful when..." Your happiness shouldn't depend on the situation you're in nor on the circumstances that surround you. In the same breath, you cannot wait for everything around you to become peaceful in order for you to say "I am peaceful." In both happiness and peace, there is a heart of strength, determination and steadfastness; a heart that has the power to make things happen. You have to be at peace. You have to be happy. Now.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: happiness, inspirational-life, inspirational-quotes, peace, the-way-of-happiness, the-way-of-peace, true-happiness, true-peace 20 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“Facts? What are facts? I only know imagination!”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: belief, facts, imagination, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, inspire 20 likes like
“It's matters not how a man dies, but how he lives.”
― Mello Death Note
tags: inspirational-quotes, life-and-death, life-lessons 20 likes like
Steve Pavlina
“Your environment will eat your goals and plans for breakfast.”
― Steve Pavlina
tags: change, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, life-lessons, motivational, power, success, work 15 likes like
Richard Bach
“Like everything else, Fletcher. Practice.”
― Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
tags: inspirational-quotes 13 likes like
Ray Bradbury
“It takes writing a billion bad words before you get to the good ones.”
― Ray Bradbury
tags: inspirational-quotes, writing 11 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“I hope I don't write TOO many books! When I look at authors who have written too many books, I wonder to myself "When did they live?" I certainly want to write BECAUSE I live! I know I don't want to write in order to live! My writing is an overflow of the wine glass of my life, not a basin in which I wash out my ideals and expectations.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: books, expectations, ideals, inspirational, inspirational-life, inspirational-living, inspirational-quotes, inspiring, life, life-and-living, living, living-life, wine, writers, writers-on-writing, writing, writing-books, writing-life, writing-process 10 likes like
“Doa yang lemah,
bisa diperbaiki dengan doa yang lebih kuat.

Doa yang buruk,
bisa diganti dengan doa yang baik.

Lalu engkau bertanya,
mengapakah doa-doa terbaik yang kau naikkan
belum juga terjawab?

ikhlaskanlah pengertianmu agar lebih mudah
bagimu untuk bersyukur.

ketahuilah bahwa doa yang sudah sangat baik,
hanya bisa diperbaiki dengan meningkatkan akhlaq
dari pribadi yang berdoa.”
― Mario Teguh
tags: inspirational-quotes 10 likes like
Denzel Washington
“So you never know who you touch. You never know how or when you'll have an impact, or how important your example can be to someone else" (20).”
― Denzel Washington, A Hand to Guide Me
tags: inspirational-quotes 10 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“There are gigantic trees that have grown tall into the winds and the clouds over the thousands of years of their lives, their tops are rustled and tossed by the mists of the atmosphere! Then there are the short trees that don't live for long, they are young with no deep roots and only a few annual rings to tell their stories.The tall, ancient trees sway in the realm of freedom while the short young trees cannot even raise their branches into that direction of the sky! Now, you are the bird who needs a tree to live in; if you choose to live in the tree which thrives in the realm of freedom, that doesn't mean you are not committed to that tree. You are still committed to your tree, but together you and your tree live in freedom. Freedom is not the absence of commitment. If you are the bird who chooses to fly around amongst the short trees and live in them, that's because your wings are too short to make it any higher and your vision too near to see any further into the clouds. And if you move from one short tree to the next short tree, that doesn't mean you are free, you are still down there below, freedom is still nowhere near you.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: free, freedom, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, spirit, the-nature-of-freedom, trees 8 likes like
Xavier Velasco
“Dicen que con llorar nada se arregla pero eso no es verdad. Llorar es hacer algo aunque ese algo no sirva más que para quitarnos la sensacion insoportable de no hacer nada.”
― Xavier Velasco, Éste que ves
tags: inspirational-quotes 8 likes like
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God.”
― Elizabeth Barrett Browning
tags: inspirational-quotes 8 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“The conception of each star was at the point of no return; of a desperate soul struggling to master the winds!”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: birth-of-a-star, birth-of-stars, human-soul, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, inspire, soul, stars, struggles 7 likes like
Billie Joe Armstrong
“L'esercizio rende perfetti, ma nessuno è perfetto, quindi perché esercitarsi?”
― Billie Joe Armstrong
tags: inspirational-quotes 7 likes like
Vici Howard
“Always have something to look forward to”
― Vici Howard
tags: inspirational-quotes 7 likes like
“People say that your dreams are the only thing that save ya”
― Win Butler, Arcade Fire
tags: inspirational-quotes 7 likes like
“God is not just light, but also darkness; not just pleasure, but also pain; not just success but also the failures; not just life but also death. There is nothing that God is not.”
― Shafin de Zane
tags: god, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, success 7 likes like
Maria Magdalena
“when you have no spirit to seize the day, find it behind the music, between the flowing leaves, beneath the sun rays, and just within yourself. Talk to yourself, be the best friend for yourself, and do not hesitate to ask God help”
― Maria Magdalena
tags: inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
“Aku datang menghadap Mu, Tuhanku
tuk menyerah dan mohon penyelamatan

Aku mohon Kau maafkan salah dan dosa masa laluku
yang setia mengejar tuk menggigitku dari belakang

Penyesalan ini membadai di hatiku
dan melemahkan niat hidupku

Kini aku jiwa yang lebih baik
yang lebih patuh kepada Mu

Jangan Kau biarkan aku lama bersedih

Aku sangat menghamba kepada Mu

Tuhan, sayangilah aku”
― Mario Teguh
tags: inspirational-quotes 5 likes like
Karen Hackel
“Each day is a gift
To embrace and welcome”
― Karen Hackel, The Whisper of Your Soul
tags: faith, inspiration, inspirational-quotes, living-life-to-the-full, new-age, the-present 5 likes like
Shady Baraya
“لم اتصور انه عندما تفقد من تحب تصبح جسدا حي وروحا ميته ...الحب يحيي الروح كما يحي الغيث الارض”
― Shady Baraya
tags: inspirational-quotes 5 likes like
“No one of real intelligence will accept anything just because some authority declares it be so. Don't accept the truth of anything you have not confirmed for yourself.”
― Paul Hoffmann
tags: inspirational-quotes 4 likes like
“Persistance is the quality of winners. Successful people never never give up”
― Lynda Field
tags: inspirational-quotes 4 likes like
Haruki Murakami
“No se debe oponer resistencia a la corriente: hay que ir hacia arriba cuando hay que ir hacia arriba, y hacia abajo cuando hay que ir hacia abajo. Cuando debas ir hacia arriba, busca la torre más alta y sube hasta la cúspide. Cuando debas ir hacia abajo, busca el pozo más profundo y desciende hasta el fondo. Cuando no haya corriente, quédate inmóvil. Si te opones a la corriente todo se seca, el mundo se ve envuelto por las tinieblas. "Yo soy yo, él es yo, atardecer de otoño" Cuando renuncias a mi, yo existo.”
― Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

“A genius is simply one who has taken full possession of his own mind and directed it toward objectives of his own choosing, without permitting outside influences to discourage or mislead him.”
― Napoleon Hill
tags: inspirational-quotes 23 likes like
Giacomo Leopardi
“Quella vita ch'è una cosa bella, non è la vita che si conosce, ma quella che non si conosce; non la vita passata, ma la futura. Coll'anno nuovo, il caso incomincerà a trattar bene voi e me e tutti gli altri, e si principierà la vita felice. Non è vero?”
― Giacomo Leopardi, Operette Morali
tags: inspirational-quotes, new-year 23 likes like
C. JoyBell C.
“Maybe we shouldn't begin to stop believing in God when He starts to let go of our hand; because at that moment He begins to let go of your hand, that's the moment He's begun to believe in YOU! He says, "I believe in you, I know you can." And that's not the time to stop believing in someone, when He is believing in you. A good father knows when to let go and start believing that you can. We may not understand it at first, but after we look at ourselves and say "Wow, I'm awesome, I did that all by myself." Then we say "Thanks, dad. If you never let go of me, I would have never learned how to fly.”
― C. JoyBell C.
tags: a-great-father, an-understanding-of-god, belief, belief-in-god, don-t-stop-believing, god, he-believes-in-you, inspirational-quotes, inspirational-spiritual, what-god-is-really-like, wisdom-quotes 20 likes like
Cormac McCarthy
“I never had any doubts about my abilities. I knew I could write. I just had to figure out how to eat while doing this.

[Cormac McCarthy's Venomous Fiction, New York Times, April 19, 1992]”
― Cormac McCarthy
tags: ability, author-quotes, creative-process, earning-a-living, gift, humor, inspirational-quotes, quotes, self-confidence, self-support, talent, writing, writing-life, writing-quotes 17 likes like
“DREAMS are not those which comes while we are sleeping, but dreams are those when u dont sleep before fulfilling them.”
tags: inspirational-quotes 16 likes like
Rick Riordan
“Nothing lasts forever. But the thing is, you can reuse some. Use your mind. - Leo's Mother, The Lost Hero”
― Rick Riordan
tags: inspirational-quotes 15 likes like
Mark  O'Brien
“When the flames of life are gnawing away at your butt, run faster, quicker, and harder than you've ever run before, because I guarantee it that life will condition you, harder than any trainer ever will.
When you state to yourself with the utter most believe, “I will achieve this,” than you are on the path, and this is when life throws obstacles left, right, straight on and which other way, but keep going. Because you will make it”
― Mark O'Brien
tags: inspirational-quotes 13 likes like
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
“To find what you seek in the road of life,
the best proverb of all is that which says:
"Leave no stone unturned.”
― Edward Bulwer-Lytton
tags: edward-bulwer-lytton, inspirational-quotes, payday-loans 12 likes like
Francine Rivers
“God would light the way. Faith would keep them on the right path.”
― Francine Rivers
tags: inspirational-quotes 11 likes like
Orison Swett Marden
“Opportunities? They are all around us ... There is power lying latent everywhere waiting for the observant eye to discover it.”
― Orison Swett Marden
tags: inspirational-quotes 11 likes like
“I believe in miracles.... I have to.”
― Terry Fox
tags: inspirational-quotes 9 likes like
“There is no power like that of prevailing prayer - of Abraham pleading for Sodom, Jacob wrestling in the stillness of the night, Moses standing in the breach, Hannah intoxicated with sorrow, David heartbroken with remorse and grief, Jesus in sweat and blood. Add to this list from the records of the church your personal observation and experience, and always there is cost of passion unto blood. Such prayer prevails. It turns ordinary mortals into men of power. It brings power. It brings fire. It brings rain. It brings life. It brings God.”
― Samuel Chadwick
tags: inspirational-quotes 7 likes like
Pauline Creeden
“Realize this – your anger with God does not drive a wedge between you and Him. It is your silence that drives the wedge. - Prodigal Life”
― Pauline Creeden
tags: anger, god, inspirational, inspirational-quotes, silence 7 likes like
“Once you discover that you can, you must.”
― Al Jarreau
tags: inspirational-attitude, inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
Robin M. Helm
“I want to dream a dream so wonderful that I'll wake up sorry that it wasn't a memory.”
― Robin M. Helm
tags: inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
Skye Daphne
“Even though your life is Rainy and
muggy you can fight through it just
Make sure you know what is happening
And make sure you don't take to much
pressure on it just shake it off!”
― Skye Daphne
tags: inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain.
- Vivian Greene”
― Vivian Greene
tags: inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
Elizabeth O. Dulemba
“I like to set my dreams high. That way, even if I only make it half way there, it's still pretty darned good.”
― Elizabeth O. Dulemba
tags: inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
A.M. Hudson
“Thought I wanted overnight success, until I achieved it through hard work and the refusal to back down! What you earn, you keep.”
― A.M. Hudson
tags: inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
Pete Hautman
“The first step to success it's to imagine it”
― Pete Hautman, The Big Crunch
tags: inspirational-quotes 6 likes like
“There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.”
― Edward Wallis Hoch
tags: inspirational-quotes 5 likes like
“Success always hugs you in private,
but failure slaps you in the public...”
― sahil banga
tags: inspirational-quotes 5 likes like
“Doing what is right to GOD gives you peace not regret”
― Rudzani Ralph
tags: faith, faithfulness, inspirational-quotes, love 5 likes like
Pedro Okoro
“The good is the Enemy of the best. Until you depart from the good, you cannot enter God's best for your life.”
― Pedro Okoro, Crushing the Devil: Your Guide to Spiritual Warfare and Victory in Christ
tags: inspirational-quotes, spiritual-warfare 5 likes like
Santosh Kalwar
“This is heaven my child.”
― Santosh Kalwar
tags: child, heaven, inspirational-quotes 4 likes like
“Judging is the cause that creates the effect of choosing.”
― Joey Lawsin
tags: inspirational-quotes 4 likes like
L. Frank Baum
“...and remember my sentimental friend that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.”
― L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
tags: inspirational-quotes, l-frank-baum, tin-man 4 likes like
Heather Schuck
“My story was not the story of a girl's broken dreams: it was the story of a girl who couldn't be broken.”
― Heather Schuck, The Working Mom Manifesto
tags: courage-in-life, inspirational-quotes, life-lesson, overcoming-fears 4 likes like
Erica Goros
“Never mourn the loss of innocence, because it always brings the much greater gain of wisdom.”
― Erica Goros
tags: beauty, change, inspirational-quotes, life, maturity, trials 3 likes like
“An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it”
― Bianca Baker

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

Inspirational Quotes On Life With Images Love Quotes Images Black and white for Facebook cover Photo For Him For Facebook For Her In Hindi Tumblr Download Taglag For For Facebook cover 

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